Sign up for an elfoA2P account
1.Go to Account Registration page.
2.You are required to fill in signup form and click Sign Up. (You can also opt to register account using Gmail or Social Media Accounts).
3. Check your mailbox for verification email from elfoA2P.
4. Open the email and click Verify Email Address.
5. This will take you to elfoA2P account setup journey.
6. To complete your account, you are required to verify your phone number. To do this, simply fill in your phone number and click Send.
7. Check your phone for incoming SMS with one time password (OTP).
8. Fill in the OTP in the fields provided and click Verify.
9. Should you do not receive the password, click Resend Code to receive the OTP code again.
10. Once verification completed, you will see a successful notification and this will take you to elfoA2P Home Dashboard and you can start enjoying free credits that is available in your account.
Sign in for an elfoA2P account
1. Go to Account Login Page.
2. Fill in form and click Sign In
3. You can also login via Gmail or Social Media Accounts.
4. Once login, you will be redirected to elfoA2P Home Dashboard.
Top Up your account
1. You can purchase more credits by clicking Top Up.
2. Then, you will be redirected to Top Up Credit page.
3. Select which package that you want to purchase or you can also insert the amount that you wish to purchase and you can see the payable amount summary.
4. Click on Pay Now button to proceed with the payment via Stripe payment gateway.
5. Once you complete your the payment transaction, you will receive email notification and your available Credits will be reflected instantly.
Account Management
Manage your Profile
1. To manage your profile, simply click the arrow next to your name on the top right, then click Account Settings.
2. On your Account Setting page, you will see your Account Overview under Profile.
3. You may update your profile information and then click Save.
Add User(s)
1. To add new users linked to your account, go to Account Settings, then click User Management.
2. Then, click Add New User and fill in the information required about the new user you want to add and then click Add.
3. An invitation link will be sent to users via email. Once user accepts the invite, you will be able to see their info in the list of users.
4. You can also Delete User or appoint user as master account by clicking Make Owner.
5. Only user with ‘Owner’ role is able to add or delete users from linking to your account.
6. Deleting user does not delete the user’s account. It will only remove them from your linked accounts.
Manage linked accounts
1. Go to Account Setting and click on Linked Accounts. Here you will see all accounts that have linked to your account under same organization.
2. If you have ‘Owner’ access, you will be able to manage credits for your users. To do this, click on Transfer Credits and a pop up will appear.
3. Select From and To accounts and insert the amount of credits that you want to transfer from one user account to another account and click Transfer Credits.
4. You should be able to see the new amount transferred reflected right away.
5. You would not be able to transfer credits from and the same account you want to receive the credits.
6. Please ensure you have enough credits before you make the transfer.
Secure your account
1. Go to Account Setting and click on Security. Here you can change your password.
2. Do not forget to click Save to update your new password.
Verify your account
1. To verify your account, go to Account Settings and click Account Verification.
2. On this page you are required to fill in company information, details of person in charge and upload necessary documents.
3. Click Submit to proceed with the application and you will receive a confirmation email that your application has been successfully submitted.
4. While your application is reviewed by elfoA2P Team, you will see status of Pending Verification on this page.
5. The verification process could take up to 2 working days. If your application is successful you would see the status on Account Verification page.
6. You will also see blue tick next to your name on the top right of the page.
7. If your application is not successful, you can re-apply for the verification once you Update Document.
Grow Customers
Engage Customer
Campaign Builder
Send SMS using Campaign Builder
1. On elfoA2P Home Dashboard, click on Campaign Builder from the main menu listed on the left side of the dashboard.
2. On Campaign Builder page, you are required to fill in four compulsory fields:
i. Contacts/Quick SMS
ii. Campaign Name
iii. Brand Name (Only for Malaysia destination)
iv. Message Body
3. Optional fields that are available are:
i. Template – You may save message body as template by clicking Save as Template.
You can select saved templates from dropdown list:
ii. Custom Fields – You can personalized SMS based on unique information towards each recipients:
4. Click Send Now to send the SMS in an instant.
5. Click Save as Draft to save campaign temporarily.
6. Click Schedule Later to schedule the campaign at later date and time.
7. Click Schedule Campaign to confirm scheduled campaign.
Analyze Performance
SMS Campaign Insights
Campaign Overview
1. All created campaigns are listed on this page.
2. You may view campaigns by its status by clicking on the status of the campaign that you want to see.
3. To view campaign details, double click on anywhere on the row and a drawer with campaign details will appear.
4. On this drawer, you can see complete information such as time, date, total recipients, message preview and the summary status of the campaign.
5. You can also perform few actions based on each campaign’s status by clicking the action button.
6. Different campaign status will have different action item as below:
Campaign Status | Action Item |
Draft | Edit, View, Delete, Duplicate |
Scheduled | Edit, View, Delete, Duplicate |
Completed | View, Duplicate |
Failed | View, Duplicate |
Incomplete | View, Duplicate, Resume |
In progress | View, Stop |
7. You can also Continue Editing and Resume each campaign by clicking on the button on the campaign drawer.
8. You can also filter the campaign summary by clicking on the preset duration filter on the top right corner.
9. Campaign summary can be exported into excel simply by clicking Export to Excel button.
SMS Analytics
1. This page shows the summary of campaigns that have been executed.
2. To view the summary of multiple campaigns, click on the dropdown filter of Campaign Name, Country, and Start and End Date and select each campaign information.
3. You may select more than 1 campaigns to view its overall analytics.
3. You can also export the detailed campaign report into excel by clicking Reset to clear all the filtered information or Download to get the excel version of the report.
SMS Pricing and Billing
SMS price list
1. To view global SMS pricing, click on SMS Pricing on the top right of the page.
2. On this SMS pricing page, you will see the full global destination price.
3. You may search for certain destination to view the pricing.
4. You can also export the global SMS price list into excel format by clicking on the Download button.
Manage account billing
Billing logs
1. Click on the arrow next to your name on the top right of the page, and then click Account Billing.
2. This is where you can view and download all your credits purchase invoices.
Click on next to the invoice number to download the particular invoice.
Campaign cost history
1. To view Campaign Cost History, click on the dropdown arrow next to your name, and then click Campaign Cost.
2. This is where you can check the cost of your campaigns that have been carried out.
3. You can also filter Start and End Date of the campaign and select multiple Campaign Name to view the cost.
4. You are also allowed to download the summary of the campaign cost in excel format by clicking on Export to Excel.
SMS API documentation
1. To setup API integration, click on Developer menu on the left page.
2. Click on API Credentials to setup your own API connectivity.
3. Click on API Documentation to view elfoA2P SMS API documentation.
Configure your SMS API settings
1. On the Developer menu, click on +API Key on the right side of the page and a pop-up form will appear.
2. Fill in the form and click Add to confirm your API addition.
3. Notification webhook URL is needed if you required to receive the SMS status.
4. Copy the API key and follow the API documentation to establish and send SMS via API.
Report an Issue
Report an Issue
1. Click on the Report icon on the bottom left menu and a pop-up form will appear.
2. Fill in the form accordingly and with related images explaining the issue you are experiencing and click Send Report once finalized.
3. You may attached screenshot or video of the issue as attachment.
3. Once report is submitted, you will see acknowledgement pop-up that you report has been successfully submitted to the elfoA2P Team.
4. You will also receive a confirmation email as proof the report was submitted to the elfoA2P team.